Starter Kit 1.0 Websites to Be Automatically Upgraded on May 1
On Monday, May 1st, IT will be automatically upgrading all Starter Kit 1.0 websites to Starter Kit 2.0. For most websites, layout and format is not expected to dramatically change. You will see improvements to the site’s overall look and feel, which will include:
- Changes to the look of the main navigation
- Updated color scheme
- New homepage carousel
While IT doesn't anticipate any problems, admins should check their websites after 5 p.m. on May 1 to make sure the upgrade is successful. They may need to make very minor formatting adjustments.
Not sure if your website is impacted? Check this list to see if your website is Starter Kit 1.0, Starter Kit 2.0 or Custom.
If admins don’t want to wait, they can make the upgrade now by following these simple steps.
If a Starter Kit 1.0 website is significantly customized, or if admins see any major problems with their site after the May 1 upgrade, please contact [email protected].