New Siteimprove Summer 2018 Training Series
Register for the new 3-part training series to learn about and how to use the new Siteimprove accessibility monitoring tool for your UCSF websites.
Why Use Siteimprove
Siteimprove is a free tool for our use at UCSF and other UC campuses. It was purchased by the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) in its commitment to providing accessible and inclusive websites to our external audiences.
Please note that sites must be on a UCSF domain or if hosted off-site, must have a connection to or be sponsored by UCSF.
Site owners that participated in this spring’s pilot program and this summer's program for “Early Adopters” have learned to use this tool on their path to accessible websites.
Siteimprove Modules
Siteimprove provides several modules useful for website maintenance.
- Accessibility: Problems with web pages and PDF documents per UC's IT Accessibility Policy that includes compliance with WCAG to meet the needs of different groups and situations.
- Quality Assurance: Broken links, misspelled words, and readability issues, including an inventory of your pages, documents, media files, email addresses, and other content.
- Search Engine Optimization: Technical, content, user experience, and mobile-related website issues affecting your non-paid search ranking.
- Analytics: Traffic sources, most/least popular pages, page load time, and bounce rates.
About the Training
In order to answer your questions and make you a successful user of this new tool, I created and will host a 3-part training series. You will get the best experience if you attend all 3 sessions.
- Siteimprove Kick-off Meeting
Learn the functionality of the tool, the user on-boarding process, and user expectations. - Siteimprove Getting Started Lab
This is a getting started lab on how to start using the tool, monitor your score progress and learn more at the free training Academy. - Siteimprove Accessibility Tips and Tricks
This is a hands-on lab covering the top tips and tricks to improve your Accessibility score in Siteimprove.
Registration Required
Please click on the link for the respective session as noted above or from our Events page for the detailed agenda, requirements, and a registration link. I hope to see you at these sessions!