How to Turn on the Webform Module

Enabling the Module

  1. Read the Webform Tutorials on Note: UCSF is current using Drupal version 7.
  2. Watch the video tutorials on
  3. Login as the site admin to your website (
  4. Click on the "Modules" text in the admin menu
  5. Type “Webform” into the filter list box
  6. Check the “Webform” box and the module will show as enabled.
  7. Click the "save configuration" button near the bottom left of the page
  8. The module is now enabled

Configuring the Module

  1. Login as the site admin to your website (
  2. Click on the "Modules" text in the admin menu
  3. Type “Webform” into the filter list box
  4. Click the configure link next to the “Webform” module
  5. You will land on the Webform settings to further configure your webform.
  6. Click save configuration.
  7. Now your site has a webform enabled to collect form data such as e-mail addresses, uploaded files, reservations, CRM requests, and more.
Tutorial Difficulty: